Transportation Planner DDOT Washington, District of Columbia
For 15 years, Washington, D.C. has been a national leader in converting streets to accommodate bicycling, walking, and transit, while reducing crashes among drivers. Look at four corridors completed over the past five years and examine the planning approach to changing these corridors, the community engagement that led to broad support of these projects, and the results of each project after several years of implementation. (The headline results are 30 to 80 percent reductions in crashes.) Presenters cover livability improvements in adjacent neighborhoods, the social aspects of safer streets, and the holistic benefits to the District. Come away understanding the project approach and communications, and aware of the technical problems with older road designs. Learn what to expect if you implement similar projects in your area.
Learning Objectives:
Understand engineering flaws with legacy roadway designs, and how to target cost-effective changes to reduce the most common crashes.
Know what makes a safe, efficient road design, and take implement that information in your community.
Understand the numbers behind congestion to confidently propose roadway reconfigurations that will be safer without significant impacts on travel time.