Principal Planner Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization Indianapolis, IN
Central Indiana has 13 regionally connecting trails totaling over 230 miles. The Central Indiana Trail Oriented Development Study (TrOD Study) helps to inform transportation and economic-development planning in nodes along these trails. The TrOD Study identifies 10 typologies and provides design guidance to promote quality development, mobility, safety, connectivity, inclusivity, and comfort in those nodes.
In addition to design guidance for the 10 typologies applicable to any trail, development concepts were created at four specific locations to illustrate possible scenarios. For each site, these included market analysis, recommended building patterns and site layout, image references, and renderings of possible future site views.
The TrOD Study also identifies areas along each trail that have a high presence of traditionally underserved communities. It includes recommendations to minimize negative impacts to those populations and support retention of affordable housing and access to public recreation amenities. Recommended strategies cover communications (engagement, cultural celebration); partnerships and incentives (elevating underrepresented voices, contracting with disadvantaged businesses, business community support for job growth and housing diversity); and development (locating community services along trails, connecting to other modes of transportation).
Learning Objectives:
Communicate to others what trail-oriented development is.
Better identify challenges to and opportunities for the development of TrOD.
Apply the approach of the Central Indiana TrOD Study to your community.