Maintaining a complete inventory of sidewalks, curb ramps, curb cuts, crossings, and other pedestrian assets — and their design and condition parameters — is essential for pedestrian-infrastructure planning. However, one of the largest challenges associated with transportation asset management is the resource costs (in dollars and hours) associated with maintaining an accurate, up-to-date record of transportation asset conditions within the management agency’s jurisdiction.
This presentation discusses infrastructure inspection methods that allow non-practitioners with minimal technical knowledge to efficiently conduct inspections of pedestrian infrastructure assets, such as sidewalks, curb ramps, etc. These methods are designed for use by the employees of the transportation asset management team, but the forms and methods are simple enough that they can also be used by concerned members of the community to collect data and report concerns to governing agencies.
Learning Objectives:
Identify the importance of ADA compliance for maintaining a complete pedestrian network.
Obtain hands-on data collection experience by inspecting assets using standardized inspection forms and collecting video data, using a camera-equipped wheelchair in online inspections.
Learn how to assess asset conformance with ADA design and condition requirements using the inspection data collected in the field and an online review of wheelchair-based video.