Director, Planning Practice and Scenario Planning Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Cambridge, Massachusetts
This session will share a case study of a one-day scenario planning workshop that brought together a range of government stakeholders to better prepare for future wildfires in Chile. We applied a strategic process with the group to identify uncertainties for their region, develop four possible futures, and to agree on prioritized strategic actions. This method can be applied to any inter-governmental groups wanting to bring staff together on a shared path forward to tackle big issues. In this case the issue was how to be better prepared for future wildfires but the process is transferable. This group of stakeholders was tackling the problem from different perspectives and angles, so bringing them together brought cohesion and an alignment of values, with a path forward.
Learning Objectives:
Understand scenario planning as a strategy tool for internal governance
Apply the creation of future scenarios and resulting strategies to form consensus and coordination
Learn how scenarios can be used to proactively plan for future disasters