Business Process Manager City of Fort Worth Fort Worth, Texas
Learn about the methodology and tools utilized to develop and deliver a digital master plan for the City of Fort Worth, Texas. The Butler Place Access Plan aims to reconnect, strengthen, and build community throughout the city’s central area. The plan integrates land development and infrastructure to unlock a former HUD housing development cut off from downtown and the waterfront by highways.
Discover the essential requirements for setting up a consultant/municipal client collaboration that uses ArcGIS Online to ensure that project development and delivery are completely owned by the client at project close. Learn the do’s and don’ts of working within a client’s organization, what applications are best suited for various project deliverables, and how using a digital workflow allows for a dynamic design process that ensures the best outcomes for all.
Learning Objectives:
Learn the fundamentals of navigating ArcGIS Online to deliver digital work and host applications.
Collaborate confidently with ArcGIS organizations in the public and private sectors.
Gain insight into digital collaboration through a case study of Forth Worth’s downtown district infrastructure development master plan.