The Safer Streets Priority Finder (SSPF) is an open-source tool designed to improve safety for vulnerable road users by simplifying and enhancing crash risk analysis. It helps planners more effectively address the safety of vulnerable road users, thereby advancing safer, more equitable community planning.
Using a set of sophisticated models, SSPF estimates crash risks even in areas with no recent crash history, building on traditional safety analysis methods like high injury networks. Because it requires no special GIS or analysis skills and a minimal amount of input data, it lowers the technical barrier to complex data-driven analysis.
Get a practitioner’s perspective of the tool’s application in developing a safety plan in New Orleans that was funded by the SS4A program.
SSPF outputs underlie identification of a High Injury Network. SSPF allows the city to allocate SS4A resources efficiently and facilitates staff analysis of future crash data.
SSPF updatess are developing newer models that establish a more accurate, mode-specific crash risk for different transportation modes. These updates, along with other user interface improvements, aim to enhance the tool’s applicability, ensuring it remains a cutting-edge resource for planners.
Learning Objectives:
Learn about the Safer Streets Priority Finder (SSPF) tool and how it was developed.
Understand the application of SSPF results from a local agency perspective.
Find out what is in the pipeline for SSPF phase 2 and how planners can use results to further their safety goals.