Understand the trends and demographics of the Latino community in the United States and learn about Little Village, a predominantly Latino community on Chicago’s southwest side. Discover a set of community engagement tools used to create two quality-of-life plans for Little Village. The presentation explores community engagement tools such as meetings, surveys, presentations, and focus groups and shares how they were successfully tailored to reach target audiences. Learn how to create similar tools and shape them to other Latino communities. Finally, explore how community engagement from the 2013 quality of life plan has yielded transformative change in the community, specifically improvements in education, safety, and the built environment.
Learning Objectives:
Understand national and regional growth trends of Latinos in the United States.
Identify various ways to engage community members, specifically members of the Latino community.
Gain a deeper understanding of how planning efforts can create social change via the stories and milestones of the 2013 and 2024 Little Village Quality of Life plans.